
What is Short Mat Bowls?
Short mat bowls is a modern version of bowls played indoors on an artificial mat 6 foot wide and 40/45ft. long, a much shorter length than traditional outdoor lawn or indoor bowls. Short mat bowls is therefore suitable for playing in village halls and it is also easier for players to see the position of bowls played to the opposite end. The smaller playing area often makes for a more interesting game.

Who can play Short Mat Bowls?
One of the great attractions of short mat bowls is that almost anyone can learn to play it well enough to enjoy it quite quickly. It can be played socially or competitively and doesn’t require much physical effort to play, providing enjoyable light exercise. Players can be of any age from young to old, male or female; some of the best county, national and international players are in their teens or twenties.

Merriott Short Mat Bowls Club
Established for over 20  years Merriott Short Mat Bowls Club offers a mixture of social and competitive bowling on two mats, the maximum which the Village Hall can accommodate. It’s a welcoming and friendly club attracting members not just from Merriott itself, but also from several other villages in the locality.

How can I give it a try
Merriott Short Mat Bowls Club runs sessions in the Village Hall
The current membership fees are £15 per year subscription with a £3.50 per club session fee which includes tea and biscuits during the mid session interval.
Obviously we do not expect people to join without having tried out the game first so we encourage people to have a few trial sessions before deciding whether to commit to becoming a member.
Our Chairman Frank Smith is a Qualified Coach and County Umpire

Wednesday evening   6.45p.m. for a 7.00pm start

If you want to discuss any of the above please contact
Frank Smith on 01308 862203  smithfrank@talktalk.net
Club bowls and other equipment are available for all to use.
The only outlay would be on a pair of bowls shoes or other appropriate clean indoor flat soled shoes



Website Frank Smith